Friday, June 5, 2009

SIUC to offer online MBA and accounting master's

Yet another accredited business school to offer an online MBA. This time, Southern Illinois University Carbondale.

Article from the Chicago Tribune

NFL kicker completes MBA degree online

June 2, 2009

As a Dallas Cowboy, Billy Cundiff kicked a record seven field goals in one ”Monday Night Football” game in 2003. Today, his determination and drive have helped him to complete his MBA degree and land a venture capital job through the W. P. Carey School of Business at Arizona State University. He used the school’s highly ranked online MBA program even while attending NFL training camp.
“This is the best two-year investment I probably could have ever made in myself,” says Cundiff, who has spent five years in the National Football League. “The W. P. Carey MBA – Online Program gave me the flexibility to attend training camp with the Atlanta Falcons while still pursuing my degree. After being released by the team, the flexibility of the program allowed me to stay in shape, while also balancing family issues, such as my mother-in-law’s ovarian cancer treatments, my wife’s pregnancy and then my newborn daughter’s needs.”

[Full Article]